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On 29 October 2020, Hon Alan Tudge MP introduced legislation allowing new migrants better access to English language classes. This legislation overhauls the Adult Migrant English Program currently providing free English Language Tuition to enable new migrants to obtain a vocational level of English.

2020年10月29日,国会议员Hon Alan Tudge提出了一项法案,为了让新移民更好地能学到英语课。这项法案改革了目前免费提供英语教学的成人移民英语课程,以使新移民能够掌握功能性英语。

What to Expect from the new Program 新英语计划有什么?

The new program objective is for students to achieve a ‘vocational’ level of English training. This means that students will now be expected to gain enough English Language training to facilitate employment. Some of these features include:


  • Accessibility for permanent and specific temporary visa holders yet to arrive in Australia; 为尚未抵达澳大利亚的永久和特定临时签证持有人提供便利;
  • Elimination of the 510 hour cap for free English lessons; and 取消免费英语课510小时的上限;以及
  • Elimination of the strict time limitations to register, commence and complete the program. 取消注册、开始和完成课程的严格时间限制。

Under the current legislation, only visa holders whose visa commences on or after 1 October 2020 can access English lessons. However, the new bill provides that English lessons will be made available to visa holders whose visas commenced on or before 1 October 2020. The new program specifies that the Minister will determine the procedure or standards by which those following the Adult Migration English Program will be assessed as to having obtained a ‘vocational’ standard of English.


How might this bill benefit applicants for a Partner visa? 这项法案对申请伴侣签证的申请人有何好处?

Readers of our blog will no doubt remember that the government has announced that from late 2021, new applicants for a partner visa will be required to meet ‘functional’ English requirements during second stage processing. Currently, one of the ways that you can demonstrate that you have ‘functional’ English is if you have attended English classes and have been assessed as having functional English by an Australian Adult Migrant English Program service provider.


Given that the bill will eliminate the 510 hour cap for English lessons, this may provide applicants an opportunity to meet the ‘functional’ English requirements while juggling their work and child care responsibilities.


How might this bill benefit applicants for Australian Citizenship? 这项法案对申请澳大利亚国籍的人有何好处?

To be eligible for Australian citizenship by conferral, you have to be a permanent resident and meet the general residence requirements unless exceptions apply. As part of the application for citizenship, you also have to sit for a citizenship test which is conducted in English unless they are 60 or above. As not all permanent residents can read, write and understand English, this bill if passed will allow these permanent residents to access free English lessons so that they may understand the material in the Australian Citizenship Booklet and the questions in the Australian Citizenship test.

若要申请成为澳大利亚公民,您必须是澳大利亚永久居民,除非例外情况发生,一般都需要满足居住要求。作为申请澳大利亚公民身份的一部分,除非您年满60岁或以上, 您必须参加以英语进行的入籍考试,由于并非所有澳大利亚永久居民都能读、写和理解英语。 因此, 如果该法案如果获得通过,将允许这些澳大利亚永久居民获得免费学习英语的机会,以便他们能够理解澳大利亚公民手册中的材料和澳大利亚入籍考试中的问题。

If you intend to apply for a partner visa, or if you wish to sponsor your spouse or de facto partner for a Partner Visa and want to know how these changes may affect you or your spouse or partner, please contact Kah Lawyers on (02) 9689 3173 for a video or telephone conference.

如果您打算申请伴侣签证,或者您希望担保您的配偶获得伴侣签证,并想知道这些变化会对您或您的配偶产生哪些影响,请拨打电话(02)9689 3173与Kah Lawyers联系,进行视频或电话会议。

If you are a permanent visa holder and you are concerned that you may not be able to pass the Australian Citizenship test please contact our office to discuss your matter.

如果您是澳大利亚永久居民签证持有人,并且您担心您可能无法通过澳大利亚入籍考试,请与Kah Lawyers联系。


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